The Daf Map System

For the Daf Yomi Or General Learning

Current Daf Yomi Mesechta: Sanhedrin

The Daf Map’s mission is to provide a Gemara learning experience on all of Shas that empowers all who want to learn to achieve their learning goals.The Daf Map achieves this goal through its unique shiurim and marked daf of Gemara that cover the entire Talmud Bavli. (In a short time, we hope to have a mobile app available for your enhanced learning.)

The Daf Map system is an innovative method that uses geometric shapes to structure the Gemara, thereby increasing understanding, retention, and effective chazara. Over 40 years in development, this method is currently being used by thousands of people worldwide.

This website is dedicated to the loving memory of HaRav Pinchas Kemuel ben Benyamin Yaakov - הרב פינחס קמואל בן בנימין יעקב, May his neshama have an aliya.

Mishnayos Masechta Chagigah
Renas Bnai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah

A translation and commentary on Mishnayos Chagigah with over 1,100 footnotes.

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Renas Bnai Yaakov on the Hadran Alach

A translation and commentary on the Hadran Alach that is said at the conclusion of a siyum.

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Renas Bnai Yaakov on the Viduy of the Chida

A translation and commentary on the Viduy of the Chida and other confessionals we say throughout the year.

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