The Daf Map System

For the Daf Yomi Or General Learning

Current Daf Yomi Mesechta: Sanhedrin

Come back here often to read the latest news from The Daf Map.

3-6-24 We are working hard on revamping the website to make it more considtant and easier to use.

4-16-23 Our store is now open. Please patronize our store to help support us in our work.

3-1-23 New and updated website with a new Forum for you to participate. Please click the link at the top of each page to join in.

3-1-23 We would like to extend a welcome to our new team members (Ari B. and Yosef F. who are generously donating their time to assist in bringing to you The Daf Map.

Currently, we are in the process of the monumental task of putting all the material from HaRav Yehonasan Berger, Shlita, on the website. The Rav is currently working on creating the shiurim in Hebrew.

This website is dedicated to the loving memory of HaRav Pinchas Kemuel ben Benyamin Yaakov - הרב פינחס קמואל בן בנימין יעקב, May his neshama have an aliya.

Mishnayos Masechta Chagigah
Renas Bnai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah

A translation and commentary on Mishnayos Chagigah with over 1,100 footnotes.

Purchase Here
Renas Bnai Yaakov on the Hadran Alach

A translation and commentary on the Hadran Alach that is said at the conclusion of a siyum.

Purchase Here
Renas Bnai Yaakov on the Viduy of the Chida

A translation and commentary on the Viduy of the Chida and other confessionals we say throughout the year.

Purchase Here